Alaska is so big, it's bigger than the whole of Europe and two thirds of North America combined. The USA's biggest state, in terms of size, has over 300 islands plus a coastline that stretches for almost 24,000 miles。(注1)
If you were to square Alaska——let’s say—and fill it with sand ,the resulting island would be larger than Hawaii, and if you took all of the roads, railroads and waterways out of the state of Texas and put them inside the borders of Alaska, they still wouldn’t reach its other side.
In fact, you could hide an entire continent under Alaskan landmass——South America, Africa or Australia——or use up all the room on Earth for plants and wildlife and there would still be half the planet leftover. And this doesn't even take into account the Arctic Ocean below the ice caps!
What about humans? Well, 75% of the population would have to squeeze onto less than one quarter of the state’s land area just to make room for everyone. Every man, woman和child in Alaska would need to fit into a space roughly the size of Connecticut in order for us to not occupy more than our fair share of this great state.
Or... we can split it down the middle and give each person their own quarter, but then we might as well just divide the United States into four equal parts (which sounds like a plan)…… until we realize that this division would actually include the entire Pacific ocean from both sides! And that's before we get started with the Arctic.
I think we need a bigger map.